📬Contact Page

Digital offers a contact page template. For an easy way for your readers to reach you, add a contact page using Formspree.

Add your Formspree endpoint:

  • Go to the 'Design & branding' settings in the Ghost Admin.

  • On the right you’ll see the tab 'Homepage' – expand this settings list and go to the Formspree endpoint.

  • Please provide your Formspree endpoint, e.g https://formspree.io/f/xhyplkej

  • Finally, click Save to activate.

Add a contact page:

  • Go to Pages from the admin menu

  • Click the New page button in the top right corner

  • Add a title (e.g. 'Contact Me')

  • Add a small description text (inside excerpt) if you want

  • Click the Template selector and choose the Contact option

  • Click Publish

Last updated