Homepage Layout
Paradigm supports customizing Homepage Layout in your publication. There are 15 settings, 3 for each section:
First section tag or title
First section layout type
First section posts count or text
Second section tag or title
Second section layout type
Second section posts count or text
Third section tag or title
Third section layout type
Third section posts count or text
Fourth section tag or title
Fourth section layout type
Fourth section posts count or text
Fifth section tag or title
Fifth section layout type
Fifth section posts count or text
First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section tag or title
This setting specifies the tag that filters which posts are displayed in this section, or defines the section's title. It also has 2 additional options - 'show-latest-posts' and 'show-featured-posts'.
Enter the slug of the tag whose posts you want to show in this section.
Enter the title for the section.
By entering 'show-latest-posts' in this setting, the section will display 12 posts in order of their publication date. However, exceptions apply: Slider sections will have amount of posts that you entered in First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text setting. Moreover, a Load More button will be available under this section, excluding Slider sections.
Be sure that you have only one 'show-latest-posts' section on your home page!
If you enter 'show-featured-posts' in this setting, the section will display only featured posts without filtering them by tag. You can choose how many posts to show with First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text setting.
To customize:
Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu
Click Homepage in the Design settings sidebar on the right
Find First section tag or title/Second section tag or title/Third section tag or title/Fourth section tag or title/Fifth section tag or title menu items
Enter the tag slug to display posts in the first, second, third, fourth or fifth section. Alternatively, enter title or 'show-featured-posts' or 'show-latest-posts'.
First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section layout type
This setting is responsible for the appearance of posts in the section. It has 20 options:
Overlay post
Grid post small
Grid post medium
Grid post high
Slider medium
Slider small
Divided slider
Divided slider with big pagination
Categories (tags) tabs
Categories (tags) slider
Primary author
Fullscreen slider
Big slider
CTA banner with text
CTA banner with text and button
CTA banner with text and image
CTA banner with text button and image
Subscribe banner with benefits
To customize:
Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu
Click Homepage in the Design settings sidebar on the right
Find First section layout type/Second section layout type/Third section layout type/Fourth section layout type/Fifth section layout type menu items
Choose your preferred layout type for each section
"None" Option
Choosing the "None" Option
If you prefer not to display any posts in any of the sections, it's necessary to select the "None" option for that particular section's layout type. This prevents the loading of unnecessary code, thereby enhancing the website's performance.
Overlay post
Tagged Posts
This section displays a 4-column grid of posts related to your selected tag.
Grid post small
This section showcases a 4-column grid of posts related to your chosen tag.
Grid post medium
Below is a grid of posts related to your selected tag, presented in three columns.
Grid post high
This section showcases a 4-column grid of posts related to your selected tag.
Slider medium
Slider showcasing posts linked to your chosen tag.
Slider small
Slider displaying posts related to your selected tag.
Divided slider
Slider with a divider for displaying posts.
Divided slider with big pagination
Create a slider to showcase posts with dividers and large pagination controls for easy navigation, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Categories (tags) tabs
This section displays all the tags you have on the site and the post count for each tag.
Categories (tags) slider
The slider showcases all tag cards, each featuring a tag image, title, and the post count.
Primary author
This section displays author information:
Social Links
Cover Image
This section presents your publication's membership tiers cards with title and text that you added in First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section tag or title and First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text.
Fullscreen slider
Fullscreen slider displaying posts related to your selected tag.
Big slider
Big slider displaying posts related to your selected tag.
CTA banner
This section displays CTA Banner. In the First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section tag or title setting, add the main title. In the First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text setting, add the subtitle (vertical text in the bottom left corner).
Section with CTA banner has 4 type:
CTA banner with text.
CTA banner with text and button.
CTA banner with text and image.
CTA banner with text button and image.
To add additional text under the title, include the text within a <p>
For example, add in First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section tag or title stroke "Become a Paradigm Member Today.<p>YOUR ADDITIONAL TEXT.</p>"
Subscribe banner with benefits
This section displays membership banner with title that you add in corresponding First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section tag or title setting and text with list of membership benefits that you add in corresponding First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text setting.
To add animated text changes in the title:
To add animation, simply copy this code and insert it into the First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Fifth section tag or title text.
To add text and list of benefits:
Copy this HTML template, change text and benefits, and insert it inside corresponding First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text setting
You can add more benefits, just copy this HTML template, change benefit text and paste it before closing
To change image:
Access the Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu.
Click Customize
Change Publication cover.
Click Save
First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth section posts count or text
This setting is responsible for the number of posts displayed in the section.
Slider Layouts Posts Limit
For sections utilizing a 'slider' layout (Fullscreen, Big, Divided Slider, Divided Slider with Pagination), the maximum number of posts that can be displayed is capped at 4 for Divided Slider with Pagination, 5 for Fullscreen, Big and Divided Slider. This is to ensure optimal loading times and maintain the visual integrity of the slider presentation.
Please note, setting a posts count higher than 5 for these layouts will result in only the first 5 posts being displayed.
To customize:
Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu
Click Homepage in the Design settings sidebar on the right
Find First section tag/Second section tag/Third section tag/Fourth section posts count menu items
Enter your preferred number of posts for each section
Last updated