πŸ“ΈAdd Your Instagram Link (Icon)

If you want to add a link to your Instagram so that an Instagram icon is displayed in the header, footer, hero section, sidebar, and also in the mobile menu of your website, follow this:

  • Go to Settings > Code injection from the admin menu

  • Choose Site footer

  • Below is the code you need to add an icon:

const socialsContainers = document.querySelectorAll(".gh-social-icons");

const socialLinkHTML = `<a class="gh-social-icons-link" href="${instagramLink}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="My Instagram Link"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="26" height="27" viewBox="0 0 26 27" fill="none">
<path d="M13 10.575C11.3841 10.575 10.075 11.8845 10.075 13.5C10.075 15.1159 11.3845 16.425 13 16.425C14.6159 16.425 15.925 15.1155 15.925 13.5C15.925 11.8841 14.6155 10.575 13 10.575ZM13 8.625C15.6914 8.625 17.875 10.8062 17.875 13.5C17.875 16.1915 15.6938 18.375 13 18.375C10.3085 18.375 8.125 16.1938 8.125 13.5C8.125 10.8085 10.3062 8.625 13 8.625ZM19.3375 8.38042C19.3375 9.05328 18.7907 9.59919 18.1188 9.59919C17.4459 9.59919 16.9 9.05244 16.9 8.38042C16.9 7.7084 17.4467 7.1625 18.1188 7.1625C18.7899 7.16165 19.3375 7.7084 19.3375 8.38042ZM13 5.7C10.5874 5.7 10.1941 5.70639 9.07201 5.75635C8.30749 5.79224 7.79501 5.89507 7.31885 6.07993C6.8957 6.24404 6.59046 6.44001 6.26523 6.76524C5.93875 7.09171 5.74313 7.39614 5.57968 7.81948C5.3944 8.29674 5.2916 8.80841 5.25636 9.57187C5.2059 10.6483 5.2 11.0245 5.2 13.5C5.2 15.9126 5.20639 16.3059 5.25635 17.4279C5.29225 18.1921 5.39521 18.7053 5.57963 19.1804C5.74417 19.6041 5.94053 19.91 6.26419 20.2337C6.59196 20.561 6.89729 20.7573 7.31662 20.9192C7.79858 21.1055 8.31074 21.2084 9.07186 21.2436C10.1483 21.2941 10.5245 21.3 13 21.3C15.4127 21.3 15.8059 21.2936 16.9279 21.2436C17.6905 21.2079 18.2041 21.1046 18.6804 20.9203C19.1029 20.7562 19.4099 20.5592 19.7338 20.2358C20.0616 19.9075 20.2574 19.6029 20.4195 19.1826C20.6053 18.7024 20.7085 18.1896 20.7437 17.4282C20.7941 16.3517 20.8 15.9754 20.8 13.5C20.8 11.0874 20.7936 10.6942 20.7437 9.57209C20.7078 8.80933 20.6045 8.29495 20.4201 7.81885C20.2564 7.39687 20.0597 7.09069 19.7347 6.76524C19.4077 6.43822 19.1041 6.24301 18.6805 6.07968C18.2036 5.89455 17.6911 5.79161 16.9281 5.75636C15.8517 5.7059 15.4754 5.7 13 5.7ZM13 3.75C15.6487 3.75 15.9794 3.75975 17.0195 3.8085C18.057 3.85644 18.7647 4.02056 19.3863 4.26188C20.0289 4.50969 20.5717 4.84444 21.1136 5.38637C21.6547 5.92832 21.9895 6.47269 22.2381 7.11375C22.4786 7.7345 22.6428 8.443 22.6915 9.48056C22.7378 10.5206 22.75 10.8512 22.75 13.5C22.75 16.1488 22.7403 16.4794 22.6915 17.5194C22.6435 18.557 22.4786 19.2647 22.2381 19.8862C21.9903 20.529 21.6547 21.0717 21.1136 21.6137C20.5717 22.1548 20.0265 22.4895 19.3863 22.7381C18.7647 22.9787 18.057 23.1428 17.0195 23.1915C15.9794 23.2378 15.6487 23.25 13 23.25C10.3512 23.25 10.0206 23.2403 8.98056 23.1915C7.943 23.1435 7.23612 22.9787 6.61375 22.7381C5.97187 22.4903 5.42831 22.1548 4.88637 21.6137C4.34444 21.0717 4.0105 20.5265 3.76188 19.8862C3.52056 19.2647 3.35725 18.557 3.3085 17.5194C3.26219 16.4794 3.25 16.1488 3.25 13.5C3.25 10.8512 3.25975 10.5206 3.3085 9.48056C3.35643 8.44219 3.52056 7.73531 3.76188 7.11375C4.00968 6.47188 4.34444 5.92832 4.88637 5.38637C5.42831 4.84444 5.97269 4.5105 6.61375 4.26188C7.23531 4.02056 7.94219 3.85725 8.98056 3.8085C10.0206 3.76219 10.3512 3.75 13 3.75Z" fill="white"/>

if (socialsContainers.length) {
  socialsContainers.forEach((container) => {
    container.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", socialLinkHTML)
  • Copy this code and paste it inside Site footer input area

  • Then, change "CHANGE_THIS_TO_YOUR_INSTAGRAM_LINK" to your Instagram link, like this:

  • Click Save to save your work!

Last updated