🏠Homepage Layout

Paragraph supports customizing Homepage Layout in your publication. There are 12 settings, 3 for each section:

  1. First section tag

  2. First section layout type

  3. First section posts count

  4. Second section tag

  5. Second section layout type

  6. Second section posts count

  7. Third section tag

  8. Third section layout type

  9. Third section posts count

  10. Fourth section tag

  11. Fourth section layout type

  12. Fourth section posts count

First/Second/Third/Fourth section tag

This setting is responsible for which tag's posts will be displayed in the section. It also has 2 additional options - 'show-latest-posts' and 'show-featured-posts'.


If you enter 'show-latest-posts' in this setting, the section will display 6 posts, in order of publication date. Also there will be Load More button under this section.

Be sure that you have only one 'show-latest-posts' section on your home page!

If you enter 'show-featured-posts' in this setting, the section will display only featured posts without filtering them by tag. You can choose how many posts to show with First/Second/Third/Fourth section posts count setting.

To customize:

  • Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu

  • Click Homepage in the Design settings sidebar on the right

  • Find First section tag/Second section tag/Third section tag/Fourth section tag menu items

  • Enter the tag slug whose posts will be displayed in the first/second/third/fourth section. Otherwise, enter 'show-featured-posts' or 'show-latest-posts'.

If you want to remove the section, just delete all text from this section's First/Second/Third/Fourth section tag setting

First/Second/Third/Fourth section layout type

This setting is responsible for the appearance of posts in the section. It has 16 options:

  1. Big post with date

  2. Big post with letter

  3. Big post with date with image

  4. Big post with letter with image

  5. Grid small post with date with image

  6. Grid small post with letter with image

  7. Grid small post with date without image

  8. Grid small post with letter without image

  9. Grid medium post with date

  10. Grid medium post with letter

  11. Grid medium post with date with image

  12. Grid medium post with letter with image

  13. List post with date

  14. List post with letter

  15. List post with date with image

  16. List post with letter with image

To customize:

  • Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu

  • Click Homepage in the Design settings sidebar on the right

  • Find First section layout type/Second section layout type/Third section layout type/Fourth section layout type menu items

  • Choose your preferred layout type for each section

First/Second/Third/Fourth section posts count

This setting is responsible for the number of posts displayed in the section.

This setting does not work if the section's First/Second/Third/Fourth section tag setting is set to 'show-all-posts', because of how Ghost CMS pagination works.

To customize:

  • Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu

  • Click Homepage in the Design settings sidebar on the right

  • Find First section tag/Second section tag/Third section tag/Fourth section posts count menu items

  • Enter your preferred number of posts for each section

Last updated