Principle supports customizing different Colors of the website.
You can change colors:
Background Color
Text Color
Border Color and Hover
Block Background Color (example: author card, page head block, blocks in post content)
Color current page in navigation
Color linear gradient (sets the color for the theme buttons)
To customize:
Access the Settings > Code Injection from the admin menu.
Click Open
In the provided space, specify the desired background-colors using the appropriate CSS variable. For example:
CopyClick Save
If the variable --color-current-nav-page
is not defined, the default color is #f9f3f2
If the variable --color-linear-gradient
is not defined, the default color is linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(223, 60, 24, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 121, 91, 1) 100%)
If the variable --block-background-color
is not defined, the default color is #f8f6f5
If the variable --border-color-hover
is not defined, the default color is #dfcdc6
If the variable --border-color
is not defined, the default color is #ede6e3
If the variable --text-color
is not defined, the default color is #0d0d0d
If the variable --main-background-color
is not defined, the default color is #ffff
Last updated