🌈Background Color

Spotlight supports customizing Background Color. This setting will change background color of the following:

  1. Hero Section

  2. Footer and Footer Subscription Section

  3. Wide-Post Header Section

  4. Author Page Header Section

  5. Authors Page Header Section

  6. Category Page Header Section

  7. Categories Page Header Section

To keep contrast and readability, you can select Dark or Light option in Text Color setting.

If you prefer a minimalistic look with white, we recommend using #ffffff. This color setting will maintain the styles for a white background.

To customize:

  • Go to Settings > Design & branding from the admin menu

  • Click Site-wide in the Design settings sidebar on the right

  • Click on the Background Color setting and select your preferred color

In Dark Mode, background-color for all website sections remains the same, regardless of the chosen Background Color setting.

Last updated