📸Add Your Instagram Link (Icon)

If you want to add a link to your Instagram so that an Instagram icon is displayed in the header, footer, hero section, sidebar, and also in the mobile menu of your website, follow this:

  • Go to Settings > Code injection from the admin menu

  • Choose Site footer

  • Below is the code you need to add an icon:

const socialsContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.socials');
const socialLinkHTML = `<a class="socials__link" href="${instagramLink}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="My Instagram Link"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none">
<path d="M9.99935 2.1665C12.2635 2.1665 12.546 2.17484 13.4343 2.2165C14.3218 2.25817 14.926 2.39734 15.4577 2.604C16.0077 2.81567 16.471 3.10234 16.9344 3.56484C17.3581 3.98142 17.686 4.48533 17.8952 5.0415C18.101 5.57234 18.241 6.17734 18.2827 7.06484C18.3218 7.95317 18.3327 8.23567 18.3327 10.4998C18.3327 12.764 18.3244 13.0465 18.2827 13.9348C18.241 14.8223 18.101 15.4265 17.8952 15.9582C17.6866 16.5147 17.3586 17.0187 16.9344 17.4348C16.5177 17.8584 16.0138 18.1863 15.4577 18.3957C14.9268 18.6015 14.3218 18.7415 13.4343 18.7832C12.546 18.8223 12.2635 18.8332 9.99935 18.8332C7.73518 18.8332 7.45268 18.8248 6.56435 18.7832C5.67685 18.7415 5.07268 18.6015 4.54102 18.3957C3.98462 18.1869 3.48062 17.859 3.06435 17.4348C2.64052 17.0183 2.31263 16.5144 2.10352 15.9582C1.89685 15.4273 1.75768 14.8223 1.71602 13.9348C1.67685 13.0465 1.66602 12.764 1.66602 10.4998C1.66602 8.23567 1.67435 7.95317 1.71602 7.06484C1.75768 6.1765 1.89685 5.57317 2.10352 5.0415C2.31205 4.48499 2.64002 3.98094 3.06435 3.56484C3.48074 3.14086 3.98471 2.81295 4.54102 2.604C5.07268 2.39734 5.67602 2.25817 6.56435 2.2165C7.45268 2.17734 7.73518 2.1665 9.99935 2.1665ZM9.99935 6.33317C8.89428 6.33317 7.83447 6.77216 7.05307 7.55356C6.27167 8.33496 5.83268 9.39477 5.83268 10.4998C5.83268 11.6049 6.27167 12.6647 7.05307 13.4461C7.83447 14.2275 8.89428 14.6665 9.99935 14.6665C11.1044 14.6665 12.1642 14.2275 12.9456 13.4461C13.727 12.6647 14.166 11.6049 14.166 10.4998C14.166 9.39477 13.727 8.33496 12.9456 7.55356C12.1642 6.77216 11.1044 6.33317 9.99935 6.33317ZM15.416 6.12484C15.416 5.84857 15.3063 5.58362 15.1109 5.38827C14.9156 5.19292 14.6506 5.08317 14.3743 5.08317C14.0981 5.08317 13.8331 5.19292 13.6378 5.38827C13.4424 5.58362 13.3327 5.84857 13.3327 6.12484C13.3327 6.4011 13.4424 6.66606 13.6378 6.86141C13.8331 7.05676 14.0981 7.1665 14.3743 7.1665C14.6506 7.1665 14.9156 7.05676 15.1109 6.86141C15.3063 6.66606 15.416 6.4011 15.416 6.12484ZM9.99935 7.99984C10.6624 7.99984 11.2983 8.26323 11.7671 8.73207C12.236 9.20091 12.4993 9.8368 12.4993 10.4998C12.4993 11.1629 12.236 11.7988 11.7671 12.2676C11.2983 12.7364 10.6624 12.9998 9.99935 12.9998C9.33631 12.9998 8.70042 12.7364 8.23158 12.2676C7.76274 11.7988 7.49935 11.1629 7.49935 10.4998C7.49935 9.8368 7.76274 9.20091 8.23158 8.73207C8.70042 8.26323 9.33631 7.99984 9.99935 7.99984Z" fill="white"/>
if (socialsContainers.length) {
  socialsContainers.forEach((container) => {
    container.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", socialLinkHTML)
  • Copy this code and paste it inside Site footer input area

  • Then, change "CHANGE_THIS_TO_YOUR_INSTAGRAM_LINK" to your Instagram link, like this:

  • Click Save to save your work!